Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Escondida Lake - 24 May, 2022

Another trip south just north of Socorro,  NM. 9 Members took the challenge to try for some catfish! Fishing was not that good (0 fish), but breakfast at the Crane Cafe in Lemitar and a late lunch at Grandma's K and I diner on Broadway was great. Lots of laughs! When you don't catch catfish, you stop and eat some!

Friday, May 20, 2022

Santa Cruz Lake, 19 May, 2022

Another great day of laughter, fishing, and fellowship.  7 members went fishing today, 35 fish were caught. Blue skies and light breezes, until we left...then the wind kicked in. As we left the lake looking NE, we could see the smoke from the fires still burning, so sad. Mildred caught a 14" trout, most of us caught 11-12" trout. On the way home we took a detour to the lake overlook campground. 

Friday, May 13, 2022

Burns Lake, 10 May, 2022

As a member of Bear Canyon Fishing Club, I wanted to share this. Buddy is a member of our club and the North Valley Fishing Club. He holds the current record for NV with this nice 23" trout!

Santa Cruz Lake, NM, 12 May 2022

Wow, another great day fishing.  4 drove up north to fish, perfect weather and plenty of sunshine. Most of us caught our limits and released a bunch of fish! 2 records were broken on 12 May.

President Bernie caught a 17.5" rainbow trout, setting up a new record for the club. 2 hours later Jim beat the new record with a fat 18" trout. Needless to say, we all had fun!

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Ruidoso, NM - May 2-4, 2022

Another great trip south, where the 8 club members that went had a great fishing adventure. 

The club President, Bernie, had a truckload of donations gathered from members of the fishing club and members from Bear Canyon Senior Center for the fire victims in Ruidoso. We unloaded them Monday morning and then went fishing at Alto Lake just north of Ruidoso. 

Dinner was at Jorge's Mexican restaurant located in the hotel (Days Inn) parking lot. How convenient! The next morning at 4am, we were awakened by sirens. One of the hotels across the street was on fire. Looks totaled, just hope no one was hurt or injured. 

Tuesday some of the members tried their luck at Grindstone Lake. Only 2 fish were caught, so everyone there left around 930am to go fish Alto Lake again, after a successful day Monday. Dinner found us at Anaheim Jack's enjoying burgers, fish and chips and a bunch of laughter and fish stories! Our Powerbait was so good, even a pack of wild horses came to check it out. I didn't know we had a horse whisperer amongst us?

Wednesday we were all up early for coffee and breakfast at the hotel. Then packed up and headed to fish at Alto Lake again until about noon. Most of us packed up and decided to try Alto Cafe for lunch before heading home.

I think talk was the club caught over 85 fish this trip! Biggest was 14.5", with a bunch of 12-13" keepers. Everyone made it home safe and sound. Maybe a few with wind and sunburns!

Bonito Lake Update, May 4, 2022

Looking at the photos, I think those that keep wondering when it will be full and open again, can tell it will be a while. The club went fishing in Ruidoso, NM and went by to check it out.

Eagle Nest, NM - May 6-8, 2024

Wow, another great trip for the members of the BCSC Fishing Club. 10 members braved the windy conditions. Unlike some last trips to Eagle Ne...