Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Annual Picnic, 29 June 22

Beautiful day for a picnic and to celebrate Lucy's 91st!  Fruits, salads, ribs, chicken, taquitos, cake and ice cream, drinks, cold cuts, veggie trays, and deserts. Even some of the Bear Canyon staff came out to join us and help celebrate. Unfortunately, Bernie the Club President, was still recovering from surgery. The club packed a bag filled with food and cake for him and his wife to be delivered. Both were surprised and very appreciative of the kind thoughts and gesture. Long time member Cathy was able to come and visit as well. Door prizes were also part of the celebration.  Until next year....


Charette Lake, NM, 28 June 22

Well a great trip in so many ways. Long drive, but some good memories! 8 Bear Canyon Fishing Club members departed at 4am. The North Valley Fishing Club also had 8 members heading to the same lake that day. So 16 members of the Albuquerque Senior Centers were on a mission to catch some big trout. Not sure how many they caught, but BCFC caught 28 maybe more. Conditions were not the best. Moss, algae, lots of hot sunshine hampered perfect fishing.

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Santa Cruz Lake, 9 June 22

No van to use, not enough passengers, but 4 members made the trip. Gas prices are going to slow trips like this down for sure. Bimmer Steve caught his personal best in NM, 18" trout! A total of 4 fish were caught.


Eagle Nest, NM - May 6-8, 2024

Wow, another great trip for the members of the BCSC Fishing Club. 10 members braved the windy conditions. Unlike some last trips to Eagle Ne...