Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Ruidoso Overnight Trip, March 2024

Another great trip is in the books. Liz, Mildred, Bernie, Steve McD, Steve M, Bimmer Steve, Harold, and Mike made this epic journey. Winds, snow, and cold temps did not stop the members from catching over 180 fish over the 3 days. Dinners and lunch were at Crane Cafe, Cafe Rio for pizza, Jorge's for Mexican food, Downshift Riverside Brewery, and Alto Cafe. Thanks to all the drivers!

Thursday, March 14, 2024

UNI-KNOT Example

I use one of these to help tie my leaders, just thought the picture was easy to see the process.

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Santa Cruz Lake, 7 Mar 24

First trip to Santa Cruz Lake in 2024! 9 members made the journey, 26 fish were caught! Darlene, Chiyoko, Richard, Bimmer Steve, Da Pres Jim V, Bernie, Chris, Raymond and Steve Mac!

Eagle Nest, NM - May 6-8, 2024

Wow, another great trip for the members of the BCSC Fishing Club. 10 members braved the windy conditions. Unlike some last trips to Eagle Ne...